Here's the list. I won't even try to describe the entries, but rather leave it up to the reader to have a crossword puzzle opportunity to decipher them.
0-6 Month Priorities
Infrastructure & Technology
- Telephone Modernization
- Updates to messages and tree
- Physical and environmental audit of closets
- Automated Call Attendant - Contact Center Software
- Call Accounting Reports - TIMS
- LCR Update
- Conference Bridge
- Unified Message (Voicemail)
- Mobile technology options for clinicians - iPads
- CCTV – Project
- Disaster Avoidance Modernization
- Sign Points of Failure – ASA Firewall and Core Switch
- SQL Server (Upgrade)
- Full DR test
- Citrix DR with BIC
- Desktop Modernization: PC metrics - PC-to-Staff ratio
- Network Modernization:
- Fibre to Clinics (BT and WB)
- Active Directory Reengineering & auditing
- Reengineer the IP schema
- VPN/Firewall enhancements
- Network Authorization Control
- Printer Modernization: Metrics, maintenance contract
- IT Policies Update
- CUC Downtime enhancements (Printer Bank ,Hubs, Ref. Office, Phones)
- Equipment Depreciation Plan (Switches, PCs, UPS etc...)
- Network assessment
- Pharmacy System Modernization
- Cerner Re-Tender
- BMJ/Chronic Condition Management Project
- Mobile Clinical Strategy
- APACHE scoring in CCU (Hold)
- Semantic text search
- Dynamic Documentation - Nursing
- Software for Dr. Clem
- CarePay Project
- Reprocessing
- Lock Box for Self Pay EPOs
- 835 Interface
- HSA Web Site Modernization
- Maintenance Management System - FMIS
- Centralized Admissions
- Cerner scheduling and registration in clinics
- E-Billing/E-Payment
- HSA Intranet Upgrade
- Charge Master management: Craneware utilization
- Configuration control, pricing methodology defined with CINICO
- PAIN Management Project
- OR Requests (Intranet)
- HR Intranet Forms
Infrastructure & Operations
- Patch Management: Windows, Java, Adobe, Office, IE 9
- Storage Management Metrics and long term growth strategy
- Autologon to PCs in certain areas; Cerner auto logoff in OT
- PCLA tested and working to new Service
- Windows 7 Upgrade
- Enterprise intrusion and vulnerability scanning
- Dedicated Private Line vs. MPLS
- Upgrade Citrix remote access network connection from Logic 2M
- Hosted email strategies: Brac Informatics, Microsoft Outlook
- Cerner optimization or implementation of new system
- Medication Order Entry
- Bedside bar coding
- Nursing supplies and medication dispensing & management system (PICIS)
- Easier, faster logon for clinicians
- Document scanning & multimedia image storage in Cerner
- Finish deployment of Web cams in outlying clinics and specialists
- Telemedicine strategy
- PACS web link in Cerner
- IMO for Procedure implementation
- ICD10 migration
- End of Shift & Bank Deposit Reports
- Gold Standard Reports
- GL interface from ProFit
Clinical Systems
- FetalLink/Partograph
- Mobile results
- Personal Health Record
- Cerner Fax Server Assessment
- E-Prescribing
- Cerner LightsOn Utilization
- Convert Surgery spreadsheet to a database
- GE PACS ADT Integration with Cerner
- Dental Medical Record and Billing system
- Automated envelope processing
- Migration to ICD10
- 1500 Interface developed
- Procurement and Materials Management System
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