Thursday, August 6, 2015

To Do List for a Healthcare CIO

I was searching through some files today, looking for something else, when I came upon this. It's my "CIO Watch List" from November of 2012, while I was CIO for the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority.  One of the fun things about being a CIO in any industry, healthcare or not, is being able to learn from and interact with virtually everything that goes on in an organization. Information systems, software, and data are the backbone of all modern companies. The CIO knows a little bit about virtually everything in the company, and a lot about a few things.

Here's the list. I won't even try to describe the entries, but rather leave it up to the reader to have a crossword puzzle opportunity to decipher them.

0-6 Month Priorities

Infrastructure & Technology
  1. Telephone Modernization
    1. Updates to messages and tree
    2. Physical and environmental audit of closets
    3. Automated Call Attendant -  Contact Center Software
    4. Call Accounting Reports - TIMS
    5. LCR Update
    6. Conference Bridge
    7. Unified Message (Voicemail)
    8. SIP
  2. Mobile technology options for clinicians - iPads
  3. CCTV – Project 
  4. Disaster Avoidance Modernization
    1. Sign Points of Failure – ASA Firewall and Core Switch
    2. SQL Server (Upgrade)
    3. Full DR test
    4. Citrix DR with BIC
  5. Desktop Modernization: PC metrics - PC-to-Staff ratio
  6. Network Modernization:
    1. Fibre to Clinics (BT and WB)
    2. Active Directory Reengineering & auditing
    3. Reengineer the IP schema
    4. VPN/Firewall enhancements
    5. Network Authorization Control
  7. Printer Modernization:  Metrics, maintenance contract
  8. IT Policies Update
  9. CUC Downtime enhancements (Printer Bank ,Hubs, Ref. Office, Phones)
  10. Equipment Depreciation Plan (Switches, PCs, UPS etc...) 
  11. Network assessment 
Clinical Systems
  1. Pharmacy System Modernization
  2. Cerner Re-Tender
  3. BMJ/Chronic Condition Management Project
  4. Mobile Clinical Strategy
  5. APACHE scoring in CCU (Hold)
  6. Semantic text search
  7. Dynamic Documentation - Nursing
  8. Software for Dr. Clem
Financial and Administrative Systems
  1. CarePay Project
  2. Reprocessing
  3. Lock Box for Self Pay EPOs
  4. 835 Interface
  5. HSA Web Site Modernization
  6. Maintenance Management System - FMIS
  7. Centralized Admissions
  8. Cerner scheduling and registration in clinics
  9. E-Billing/E-Payment
  10. HSA Intranet Upgrade
  11. Charge Master management: Craneware utilization
  12. Configuration control, pricing methodology defined with CINICO
  13. PAIN Management Project
  14. OR Requests (Intranet)
  15. HR Intranet Forms
6-12 month priorities

Infrastructure & Operations

  1. Patch Management: Windows, Java, Adobe, Office, IE 9
  2. Storage Management Metrics and long term growth strategy
  3. Autologon to PCs in certain areas; Cerner auto logoff in OT
  4. PCLA tested and working to new Service
  5. Windows 7 Upgrade
  6. Enterprise intrusion and vulnerability scanning
  7. Dedicated Private Line vs. MPLS
  8. Upgrade Citrix remote access network connection from Logic 2M
  9. Hosted email strategies: Brac Informatics, Microsoft Outlook
Clinical Systems
  1. Cerner optimization or implementation of new system
  2. Medication Order Entry
  3. Bedside bar coding
  4. Nursing supplies and medication dispensing & management system (PICIS)
  5. Easier, faster logon for clinicians
  6. Document scanning & multimedia image storage in Cerner
  7. Finish deployment of Web cams in outlying clinics and specialists
  8. Telemedicine strategy
  9. PACS web link in Cerner
  10. IMO for Procedure implementation
Financial & Administrative Systems
  1. ICD10 migration
  2. End of Shift & Bank Deposit Reports
  3. Gold Standard Reports
  4. GL interface from ProFit
Longer Term Priorities

Clinical Systems
  1. FetalLink/Partograph
  2. Mobile results 
  3. Personal Health Record
  4. Cerner Fax Server Assessment
  5. E-Prescribing
  6. Cerner LightsOn Utilization
  7. Convert Surgery spreadsheet to a database
  8. GE PACS ADT Integration with Cerner
  9. Dental Medical Record and Billing system
Financial & Administrative Systems
  1. Automated envelope processing
  2. Migration to ICD10
  3. 1500 Interface developed
  4. Procurement and Materials Management System

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